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How to brown butter (beurre noisette)

What you’ll need:

  • unsalted butter (amount required in recipe)

  • light colored pan (for better visibility of the butter)

  • whisk

  • some patience and diligence


15 minutes

  1. Cut butter into approximately 1" chunks to ensure even heating.
  2. Melt butter in a frying pan on low heat until it is completely melted.
  3. Bring butter to a low boil, adjusting the heat as needed, and cook until it starts to foam. In a couple minutes, it will bubble and splatter.
  4. When the splattering starts to die down, 5-6 minutes, slowly whisk butter to prevent the milk solids (brown bits on the sides and bottom) from sticking to the pan. #CHIPTIP: LISTEN for the splattering to go down as the water in the butter evaporates. WATCH for the foam to clear out as the milk solids (white solids on the bottom of the pan) separate from the fat (melted butter), and wait for the butter to turn golden brown. SMELL the sweet and nutty aroma as the milk solids on the bottom caramelise.
  5. Cook until the butter has reached a golden caramel colour, another 5-6 minutes, and remove the pan from the heat to stop the cooking process. #CHIPTIP: The window of caramelisation can vary based on the desired flavour you want. Once the milk solids separate, observe the colour and aroma - as long as the milk solids don't burn, cook the butter longer for a more pronounced flavour.
  6. Pour butter into a bowl, and scrape out the caramelized brown bits - That’s the good stuff!